Scene Media Group, LLC
Welcome to the home of Scene Media Group. Scene Media Group was originally founded in 2010 as “MergeCon Holdings, LLC”, but with the creation and success of the StadiumScene.TV project, it called for a rebrand of our company to properly back our flagship service.
StadiumScene.TV is the flagship product of Scene Media Group. StadiumScene.TV was created as an answer to the “Nobody ever…listens to my podcast, reads my blog, or watches my YouTube channel. Through a combination of showcasing via a targeted socail media campaign, a robust SEO program, and collaboration among our nearly 200 partners world wide, StadiumScene.TV is helping content producers break into the world of sports media and broadasting.
Golden Barrel Marketing
Golden Barrel Marketing is the Marketing Division of MergeCon Holdings. Not only are they responsible for the marketing of Stadium Scene and StadiumScene.tv, but they handle independent projects such as real estate marketing and social media management.